Mental Health Series – Keep Learning

The best way to make sure nature is protected is to make sure that we educate those around us.

At Staffordshire University Academies Trust, we teach our pupils about the world around us and how important it is. Each academy has their own eco committee and undertakes Forest School sessions.

It’s important for everyone to experience and learn more about nature. Take the time to recognise and grow your knowledge with fun activities like:

  • Planting seeds
  • Adding bug habitats to your outdoor area
  • Putting up bird feeders

We’re also thrilled to share the actions of John Wheeldon Primary Academy in Stafford and their plans for Mental Health Awareness Week 2021.

Year 5 and 6 pupils will be planting 100 trees that have been kindly donated by the Woodland Trust. Year 3 will also plant wildflowers around the school grounds.

Year 4 and 2 pupils at the school will be hunting for local bugs and wildlife in the nearby woodland area while year 1 and Early Years will be making bug houses. They’ve been asked to bring in pinecones, hollow stems and wooden blocks to make environmentally friendly habitats that will help our local wildlife thrive.

Why not share your knowledge and experiences of nature by taking photos, videos or soundscapes of your local wildlife to inspire others to explore and discover more about their surroundings?

Join the discussion and share how you’re connecting with nature by using the hashtags #ConnectWithNature #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek

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