
SUAT’s Executive Team consists of the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Operating Officer, the Director of Learning and School Improvement, the Finance Director and the Operations Manager.


To promote professional leadership and management for SUAT in order to secure high quality learning, effective use of resources and the highest standards of progress and achievement for all learners.

Rowing Boat


  1. To lead and manage SUAT within the parameters established by the Trust Board, the Local Academy Council and the Principals Team
  2. To support the academies in SUAT, as agreed with the individual academy, to continuously raise standards of learner progress and achievement at all levels
  3. To identify, plan, introduce and sustain effective programmes and partnerships that will enhance the learning opportunities within SUAT
  4. To identify, plan, introduce and sustain effective programmes and partnerships that will enhance the engagement of the community with learning
  5. To contribute to the development of  those structures that will be required to achieve SUAT’s stated objectives, as itemised in the Strategic Plan.

Principal Responsibility Areas

  1. Strategic Direction of SUAT
  2. Supporting individual academies by agreement
  3. Resource procurement




Key Tasks

To establish, develop and implement policy and working practices for the work of SUAT in accordance with the requirements of the Strategic Plan, and in line with the recommendations of SUAT’s Board of Directors

To help to monitor and evaluate the effects of SUAT’s Plan and establish targets for improving learner progress and achievement

To contribute, as required, to individual academy development and improvement through SUAT’s networks

To support academy Principals, as requested, to set expectations for the work of all staff involved in SUAT and to take action to secure improvement

To develop effective working relationships with all stakeholders in SUAT

  • To participate in the planning of the deployment of staff within SUAT
  • To establish, maintain and secure further resources for the implementation of agreed developments within SUAT
  • To ensure the effective and efficient management and organisation of SUAT and all its networks
  • To help manage effectively the financial resources allocated to SUAT
  • Report to the relevant Committees of SUAT’s Board of Directors